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Welcome to BECC-CECC Website

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Board of Education of Canada-China (BECC) -
Chambre  d'Education  Canada-Chine (CECC)  is a non-profit organization incorporated on August 2004, in Montreal, Quebec Canada.

BECC-CECC Objectives

*  Strengthen Canada-China's education exchange and the cooperation from all walks of life;

*  Provide intermediary services for, and satisfy various aspects and types of,personal or organizational educational needs on sciences,  technologies, culturals, arts, etc.;

*  Impart knowledge and educate people, to provide all kind of talented persons on education, sciences, technologies,cultures, arts, and so on,  oportunities to ride on crest of success;

*  Raise multi-disciplinary, multi-positional, and multi-domain men with the varied talents  needed by development of human society;

*  Promote joint-venture, between two countries on education, to cause rails of education in China to meet with international ones; promotes transform of scientific technologies into social productive forces, to make an inventor of spiritual wealth becoming an owner of the material wealth;

*  March towards all domains related to education, for the society, for the future;

*  Gather strengthes of entire society to promote education.

BECC-CECC Services and Projects

The fundamental objective of BECC-CECC is to promote exchange and cooperation in the fields of education between Canada and China by means of:

*  providing A-to-Z services on studying-abroad, training, commercial visit or examination and so on;

*  Assisting to establish the sister schools, institutes, colleges, universities, or cities, and so on;

*  Providing studying-abroad students exchange visiting personnels with inforamtion on determination of suitable schools,universities, or destinations, and with instructions or helps on life facilities, or adapting to the society, etc.;

*  Sponsoring, organizing or facilitating mutal visit of teachers, educators, students, scholars, and researchers;

*  Planning, initiating, organizing or sponsoring various kind of international courses, topics to deliberate, international conferences, fairs, expositions, or seminars,and so on;

*  Searching, hiring, recommending various types of teachers, talented persons on professional trainings, etc., for schools, institutes, colleges, universities, or organization of the two countries;

*  Any projects related to educations.

BECC-CECC Headquart en Canada

   Board  of Education Canada - China /
   Chambre d'Education Canada - Chine
   2378 Jolicoeur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada  H4E 1X8
Contact:Lucien L. Pan

Droite de Copy: Golden Pan Int. Tech.Trade & Realty

http://www.canada-sino.org  ou  http://www.becc-cecc.org